How To Make Money Online FAST ($100+/Day With No Experience)
How to make money online the step-by-step way to make a hundred to seven hundred dollars a day with no experience so here's an interesting about human beings no issue where you go you will actually adapt to your environment right like if you surround yourself with people that are very very unhealthy you'll naturally put yourself in a position and in an environment where you will naturally become more unhealthy if you surround yourself with people that make more money than you naturally it would be hard to make more money because you're surrounded by all these different conversations and right now I just kind of like relocated to another part of the world which will be determined to be revealed very very shortly where you know there's a lot of really really successful people going ahead and moving here so here I am I'm just like hanging out and another friend and buddy of mine ended up coming and visiting me because they found out that I checked out this new spot so they're like okay let me go ahead and check it out we end up getting like this huge dinner the other day we're just essentially having steaks and conversation talking all the things about business and one thing in particularly really popped up and I've never spent more money in that amount of speed and that amount of fastnes
I've ever had it before right so essentially what happened is some guy in my network was going through a difficulty and that problem he hired one person he hired person about like twelve thousand dollars to solve this problem and literally within like maybe one or two seconds I was like what's the contact information let me go ahead and intro me and a little within maybe five minutes of him discussing that specific challenge in his life and having someone to go ahead and for example figure out that problem from right I sent twelve thousand dollars to this exact same guy that I've never met before that I've never seen that I've never shaken their hand but just like those twelve thousand dollars just like that went into his pocket now it's very interesting because if you really think about it why are people willing to let go of twelve thousand dollars to get some type of problem-solving
now it's very interesting to think about it in two different perspectives number one if you're just trying to make money in line because if you're trying to make money online the fastest way to make money online is just finding somebody like me solving a pain point and a challenge and a problem and just selling them a service to fix that so that don't have to worry about that we're gonna go talk about the mindsets on why that is really good especially if you want to make money fast the second step is just learning exactly how to start even thinking like a Millionaire on why people are actually willing to go and spend that money fast without actually really thinking and when you understand both of those not only will you start being able to sell products and service to a higher level and attract people that pay you exactly how much money you need in a single month to survive I mean think about it if someone just paid you twelve thousand dollars in a single month and you just got one client every single month you're essentially a six figure business owner just like that most of the profit most of it being like service based but if you're willing to understand why millionaires think like that then when you start making the money you can start moving yourself over to the other end and start thinking well if they're spending that then there must be a reason for that right this is actually break down the first step on why I was willing to spend the money on it and why if you want to go ahead and make money online fast you should go ahead and Target that right so if you really think about it right someone who's really successful someone who make a bunch of money most of the time they have their business in check right because that's what they're most focused on right uh and in order for someone to go out and pay you a lot of money an easy thing that you could do is for example sell them a service to make them more money right now obviously it's harder to sell a digital marketer a service about digital marketing because I know digital marketing but if you know digital marketing and you go to like for example a local business it's very easy to sell them a service because they've been literally doing this brick and mortar thing and they have no idea how to do the things online so you can just be like hey buddy let me go ahead and sell you a service let me go ahead and take your business online and just like that you could help six and seven figure business owners that are local scale and they'll pay you right that's like the obvious answer what is like a not so obvious answer just getting real really really good at two things either getting the best shape of your life and how that you could use that to make a bunch of money or the second one get really really good at relationships okay now why are these two things well it's a very indirect approach to go ahead and get access to people with a lot of money because the fact that most people with a lot of money focus on money they only focus on business and when they focus on money in business what ends up becoming weak are either their health and fitness or their relationships relationships with women relationships with other men relationships with just like people right and those things turn to become big pain points I can attest to this because the more I focus on money the more I focus on scaling my business the more these two lack the more I need to focus on my health the more I need to focus on my relationships and as this money thing goes up in my mind I'm thinking oh when I make more money I could go ahead and just you know like everything else will be solved guess what that's not the case as I make more money these two get harder and harder and harder and harder and harder to maintain meaning they become bigger bigger bigger bigger pain points into my life meaning I'm willing to spend money and more money on these two things one someone helped me increase my better relationships with the people around me and number two my health my fitness my longevity right the reason
why you know like, for example, Dave Asprey literally created Bulletproof Coffee, and then his customers are these people that have a lot of money so they're willing to spend all this money on like just butter but like premium, butter to go ahead and put in people's coffee right those two things if you get really good at just understanding the mindsets and the diets and all these things that help people become more productive and healthy or number two you get people really good at relationships right that becomes like this this this Beacon this piece of gold for a wealthy person if you go ahead and network with them right so if you really think about it
if you're just focusing on developing those two skills and then start talking and having conversations with successful people even though they may have more money than you you are essentially valuable in their eye because you have something that they don't have right so that's literally what happened yesterday you know I was just talking focusing on my money he mentioned one thing about relationships and I was like oh that is the big problem that is a big need what is it like okay let me talk to him all right so I'm like talking about Instagram and just like that bam he's like 12 Grand I was like cool send him the money and just like that I've never met the guy just like that because he can respect a lot recommended to me it was just a no-brainer doesn't make sense and when you go ahead and get really good at those two things like Health and Longevity
I have a buddy that's really good at that and he makes like 20 to 30 grand a month just by you know talking to these networks of people right or relationships the people that hire you will because it's not like really business and money related but it's more of these pain points that it's a lot harder to find people to trust to go ahead and for example you know get the solution for they're literally just gonna wreck from two of my friends I am gonna go ahead and do this and then for example after going through the service gonna go ahead and recommend to all my other friends that'll go ahead and have this similar pain point right and it's just a really good mindset to go ahead and think now the second thing you need to understand is why the hell was I willing to spend this amount of money right like when like if you would have told me years ago that yo Mike you you didn't even think or bad an eyelash and you just sent 12 Grand just like that well it's more an effort of time and the fact that I could go in and save time because to be to be like Fair I've been putting a lot of time and effort actually in those two things health and relationships wise in the past month uh and you might not even realize it because I probably put 50 to 100 hours developing the skill of either increasing my health or my relationships with the people around me right and then I started thinking well if I'm putting 50 to 100 hours in for a skill set
I do not yet have yet if I were to just put those same hours into my business could I make more than twelve thousand dollars the answer is yes it's easy for me to make twelve thousand dollars right and it reminds me back to the story of when I was younger you know I worked this job it was like seven dollars an hour as a summer camp counsel right and then after that job I would literally go to for example you know the GNC and I would wave flags on the street trying to get people into GNC and the person would pay me five dollars in protein right an hour and I'll literally leave my seven dollars an hour job to work at another place to make five dollars an hour to just getting protein when I realized wait why would I just do that when for that same hour.
I can make more money here right it's the exact same thing here I'm already spending time in energy for 50 to 100 hours in the past 30 days learning this thing now if I took those same 50 to 100 hours and just put it in my number one skill which is making money right and growing my business in sales and marketing I can literally take 12 of that thousand dollars that I make and put it in a skill set and instead of waiting months and trading more 50 to 100 hours of my life
I could just download this person's skill set because he essentially has exactly the result that I want in the specific unique area in my life does that make sense so yeah I paid the 12 Grand to save time because one day I'm gonna die and I realized that and I realize okay well I don't have time to waste I don't mind having a small ego to at least learn and have an open mind for something when someone has the results that I want and because I want to go out and save time because I know if I had those 50 to 100 hours back that I could easily make 12 Grand fast it was literally a no-brainer it was just like Bam Bam Bam send the money cool and that's just one thing that you need to go ahead and think when it comes to making money and success and literally thinking like someone of wealth you need to go ahead and start thinking okay
well, am I willing to spend more money if it means saving me my time especially if that time in those hours you can actually make more money than the amount you spent when you start realizing that you start realizing okay well the wealthy start really thinking a lot different it's not like how can we save it's more so how can we win back our time and at the day that is essentially the secret when it comes to making money online it's how can you win back your time so you could live your life so you could do a bunch of tools different experiences right obviously?
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